What we test for:
Exercise-induced collapse (EIC)
Genetic disorder that causes dogs to collapse after a period of intense exercise. Primarily affects sporting dogs.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, progressive ROD-cone degeneration (PRA-PRDC)
A degeneration of both Rod and Cone type photo-receptor cells of the Retina, which are very important for vision in dim and bright light.
Centro-nuclear Myopathy (CNM)
Resulting in a mutation in the protein tyrosine phosphatase-like memeber A-gene.
Puppies usually have symptoms at 2-5 months.
There will be a loss of tendon reflexes, awkward gait and exercise intolerance.
Dilution Dog Coat Color – D Locus
Characterized by a specific pigmentation phenotype
This gene affects also nose and eye colors